Apologies – Roger Johns

Attendees – Sue Newton (SN), Kathy Dixon (KD), Mark Ireland (MI), Derek Budde (DB), Jane Cummings (JC), David Sanders (DS), Steve Rayner (SR), Carol Rushton (CR), Susan Gorman (SG), Andrew Dixon (AD)


These were agreed as a correct record


DB reported that Premier Windows have been chosen to replace the balcony doors (£3000+).

DS reported that a quote is being obtained regarding replacing the balcony flooring, in order to keep the building water-tight and free of damp.

DB said that the paper is hanging off the wall in the ladies’ changing room and needs to be pulled off, its an eyesore.

DB reminded all that the fencing will be replaced during the week of 17th June and that no bowling during the day will be allowed, evenings only.

The new water fountain has already been use and was much appreciated.

SR will investigate (Sale Flags) a banner for the club

The committee will continue to investigate seating/tables that can be use easily by everyone.


Currently we have 21K in the current account and 63K in the savings account

AD reported about the garden lease sale.  Number 8 have paid the deposit and will pay the remainder in August.  Number 2 will pay 18K for the garden, pollard the trees and clear the rubbish.  Numb er 12 have not replied but when they get a new tenant or try to sell the club will remind them that they will not be allowed to use the part of the garden that belongs to the club.  The water meter is still on the land now belonging to number 2 but we have right of access.


CR reported that we have played 8 friendly games, winning 5.

There has been lots of interest in the games, and teams have been changed when necessary.

Burgess Hill will be bringing 3 triples to our game, it was agreed to go ahead.


MI reported that the lists are all on the board, ahead of schedule.  There are three weeks between roun ds.  Numbers taking part are up 11%.  The money collected doesn’t cover the cost of engraving.


JC has still to contact Newhaven and New Cross, also Horsham.  Next year no matches are to be arranged on Tuesday, due to Ladies’ League and Men’s League matches.


It was agreed that we need a regular gardener, SG will forward Josh’s details to DB and investigate getting someone in to use Qualjex biocide to spray on the green, the club could buy the machine needed (DS to investigate machine). 

DB has given the club a new Henry hoover (downstairs). 

SG to continue investigating fridge/freezer replacement/s after getting opinion from social team.

COUNTY MATTERS (Kate Johns and Roger Johns)

KJ reported: all fours, senior fours and triples have been knocked out.  They have played against some strong opposition,  We still have 3 teams in the County Pairs.  Top Club will be away on 22nd June at Henfield, Gladys Rowland will be at home in the second round.  Ladies have been playing in County matches against other Counties.

RJ reported: the senior four team have been given a walkover and will be in the area final on 9th July.  Maria and David Sanders are still in the mixed fours.  The Edward Rowland game is tonight, DB has played in County matches against other Counties.

LEAGUE MATTERS (David Sanders/Hove, Carol Rushton/BH+D Ladie’s, Derek Budde/BH+D Men’s, Steve Rayner/Nicholas Soames)

Hove (DS):  We got through to the final, losing to Woodingdean but beating Rottingdean.  Club won £30 which has been donated to our charity day.  DS and Simon Wigdor have chosen the teams for the first two matches, we are in it to win it.

BH+D (CR):  The first match is Monday 10th June, at home to Southwick Park (date/time moved at request of Southwick Park)

BH+D (DB):  4 out of 6 teams are on 20 points, he has suggested playing 18 ends and that has been accepted by opponents.

NS (SR):  2 away games, won 1 lost 1.  It is used as a way of introducing new player/bowlers to competitive bowling in a supported way.


Roy Holm Cup all sorted, KD has organised her team.  Choc ice cream is in the freezer.  There are 39 people taking part, CR is sorting out the teams and Roy is providing top rink prizes.  The club draw will take place on the day.

The charity day needs more names, AD is helping to organise by providing the tea.  Bowling will start at 2:30 with tea at 4pm.


SG reported on Bowls Bash training she had undertaken from BE, but it was agreed that the Sunday morning sessions are enough.

The committee expressed their sorrow that Ann Steward will be unable to collect her earned County badge as she is physically unable to bowl outdoors at the moment.


The meeting closed at 12;20

The next meeting will be Thursday 4th July at 10:30





Apologies – Carol Rushton, Andrew Dixon

Attendees – Derek Budde, Jane cummings, Sue Newton, David Sandes, Marek Ireland, Kate Johns, Roger Johns, Steve Rayner, Kathy Dixon


Agreed as a correct record.  SG to ask Chris to not put the minutes on the website until after the meeting has approved them.


The balcony doors are leaking and causing problems below, a firm is coming in next week to give a quote for new doors.  After discussion it was agreed that we need some advice regarding the maintenance of the balcony and the clubhouse in general


We currently have 22K in the current account and 63K in the savings account.  We have been selling off the garden land linked to the houses in the mews and have received or are in the process of receiving 18K from numbers 4 and 6, 15K from number 10, 18K from numbers 2/2A and 8.  This had been at no cost to The Drive.  The owner of house number 12 has not responded to any correspondence and owes money for the lease, all in hand.  The monies collected from the sale has been put into a savings account and will be used for future development work at the club


CR send in her report, as follows:

We had 2 fixtures against Southwick in late April - we won 75-66 at home but the away match was cancelled due to rain/saturated pitch.

I thought the Opening of the Green day went very well from all aspects and was a success for our sponsors to see.

Plenty of our bowlers are signing up for matches and I know that most are also using the website for info. Steve and I have arranged that he takes Captain's responsibility for a couple of matches - Sue is going to 'shadow' me for the Home V Preston match on Sunday 26/5/24 to get the general idea too.


DS reported that we won out match against Hollingbury.  The Saturday League finished with joint winners of the Ireland Cup.

7.UPDATE ON FIXTURES (Jane Cummings)

No news.  It wa suggested that JC contact Hand Cross and Newhaven to play against them next year.


Fencing and benches – a quote for new fencing has been accepted and work starts on 17th June.  It was agreed that no matches or roll ups will be played during the day during that week, any County matches need to be notified that we have work going on.  Evening fixtures will not be affected.  SG will email everyone to say that Monday roll up is cancelled.  Regarding benches and tables for outside it was agreed to investigate various style and materials before purchasing replacements.  It was acknowledged that whilst recycled plastic material (from Earth Anchors Ltd) was not ideal members of the club struggle to look after the wooden furniture.

Meirion and the gardening – it was agreed that Meirion has done lots of work in the grounds but that now the season is starting it must stop for the moment, except for Sunday morning gardening group.  SG will email Meirion thanking him for all his work.

Spraying of the green – this was carried out by Josh at a cost of £175 for 1 to 2 metre edge, ditch and path spraying and the extra spraying of the south west corner.  It was agreed that SG will speak to Josh regarding spraying the whole green.

Club house – after much discussion about the condition of the clubhouse it was agreed to get someone in to give advice regarding the damp, to get a quote to replace the balcony doors, to look at the balcony for safety and improvement.  Afterwards a list of work to improve the clubhouse will be drawn up.

9.COUNTY MATTERS (Kate Johns and Roger Johns)

KJ reported: she attended the recent Executive meeting, at which there were 19 recommendations from BE for competitions during 2025.  The Ladies are at home in the Gladys Rowland to Preston on 9th June and away to Pagham in the Double Rink n 4th July.

RJ reported:  nothing to report other than the BHCC will not look after any bowling greens after this year and that we have to alter our Constitution (Rules) to say - ALL DISCIPLINARY ACTION WILL BE TAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH BE REGULATION 9.  We will do this at the AGM in 2025.

10.LEAGUE MATTERS (David Sanders/Hove, Carol Rushton/BH+D Ladie’s, Derek Budde/BH+D Men’s, Steve Rayner/Nicholas Soames)

Hove (DS):  Last year’s finals are on Sunday, with semis, final and play offs being played at Hollingbury.

BH+D (CR):  CR has emailed all women members with info about the league. First match is not until Tuesday 4th June

BH+D (DB):  All in hand, starts in 2 weeks.

NS (SR):  Starts on 20th May, trouble getting ladies to bowl.


All agreed that The Opening of the Summer Season was a success, thanks were given to KD and the team.

The next social event is the Roy Holm Cup, KD will liaise with Jenny regarding the fish and chips.  CR suggested that we draw the club draw during the social, all agreed.

KD reported that it has been suggested from members that a whist drive be held and also regular bridge sessions.  SG will email all members to get an idea of take up.


SG has signed the club up for the following events:

Big Bowls Weekend 24-27 May

Take Part 24 June – 7 July

Ageing Well Festival 27 September – 11 October

It was agreed that she would inform all organisations that the available sessions open to members of the public would be Monday afternoons and Sunday mornings.

KD said that she has a positive response to her asking people to organise the Monday roll up session.

DS reminded everyone that the Gladys Rowland money won still had not been spent, KJ will investigate water fountain and banner, SG will investigate bigger fridge.

MI reported that the club competitions were off to a good start  but that all members need to be encouraged to join in.

SR suggested that we start to ‘fine’ players £1 for wrong biases, which was agreed, with money going into the charity boxes on the bar.

DS suggested COPR training, SG will investigate what’s around.


The meeting closed at 12.25

The next meeting will be Thursday 6th June at 10:30 (bring a sandwich as Portslade are playing us at home in the afternoon)

THURSDAY, 14 APRIL 2024 AT 1000
Present: Derek Budde (President and Chair), Mark Ireland, Steve Rayner, Sue Newton,
David Sanders, Carol Rushton Kathy Dixon, Roger Johns, Kate Johns
Apologies for absence: Susan Gorman
Club Draw: First Prize, Rachel (21); Second Prize, Derek Budde (7); Third Prize,
Colin Bryant (62)
The Minutes of the March meeting were approved
Matters Arising                                                                                                                                      Action
There were no matters arising except the session for new bowlers regarding
the etiquette and rules for number 1s would be run in-house during a Monday
roll up                                                                                                                                                                  KJ and DS
Treasurer’s Report
The current account is £26,000; the savings account is £43,400 (earning approx
£40 per month interest).                                                                                                                                 AD
The negotiations for the sale of land and gardens owned by The Drive are
progressing . The disused ladies lavatory will be demolished but the right of way
to it and the water meter will remain. Rubbish clearance by the Club will cost £200                       DS
Martin Sugarman was approved as a new member but he will play league for Preston
this year.
Easter Monday Hot Cross Bun afternoon was a successful and enjoyable event raising
£77 for the Club.
The water boiler (11 years old) has been replaced and recycled. An identical one
has been bought (£230) and delivery is imminent.
Sponsors are being contacted to renew their commitment and to be invited to the
opening of the green                                                                                                                                       DS
Estimates for new fencing behind rinks five and six are being obtained                                              DS and DB
The ground floor of the clubhouse requires decorating. Estimates to be obtained
and recommendations welcome. Payment from savings account.                                                          DS and DB
The leaks around the doors on the first-floor needs investigating by
professional damp proofers, eg, Bensleys                                                                                                     DS and DB
Summer Captain’s Report
Three changes to the fixtures card on 5, 26, September and 28 July against Southwick
regarding the number of players required and their composition have been made.
The new stickers have cost £106 for 1,000 stickers. They will arrive in two weeks.
A sheet of four will be given free to each playing member. An email to be sent out asking
players to collect from the club where they will find an envelope with their name on it.                    DS
Subsequent sheets of four will cost £1 available from RJ. Stickers needed before 8 May                    SR
The captaincy team will organise the teams for opening of the green                                                      CR, SN, SR
Have we entered the Big Bowls Bash?                                                                                                              SG
Parking vouchers can be obtained from DS DS
The information on the website about parking meters needs changing as there are no
longer meters. Car owners need to use the App                                                                                              CR and CH
New score card folders were presented to the Captain by the President (DB)
Winter Captain’s Report
The Saturday League joint winners of the Ireland Shield were Hollingbury and The Drivers.
It was an exciting finale with both teams all square on points and shots. There was a Vote of
Thanks from the President to David Sanders for all his input over the winter.
Social Report
The next event is Opening of the Green. Details on the website and in the club. Members
wishing to attend the lunch and bowling must enter their names on the list. There are limited
spaces for members and paying guests. Payment to the treasurer in the usual way KD and DS
County Reports
There was nothing to report KJ and RJ
Any other Business
Trophies to be engraved with 2023 winners and runners up                                                                         DB
Names of Winners and Runners Up in any Women’s County competition needed for club
honours board. Also for Gladys Rowland                                                                                                            KJ
A club member is required to run the Monday roll-up. An email to all members requesting
an organiser will be sent out. It could be done by an individual or a team on a rota.                                CR
A new roll-up will start on Friday, 5 April at 6pm prompt. This will run as a club night social
activity. Other club members will be welcome.                                                                                                  DS
The Aussie pairs will continue at 2 for 2.30 as usual
Marking the green with a T will be done at first in chalk                                                                                  DB and DS
A new supplier for spray chalk for bowls has been found as the Drakes Pride chalk
has gone up by £1                                                                                                                                                       KJ
A rink booking diary needs to be bought                                                                                                               CR
The next meeting will be on Thursday, 2 May at 1030.
The meeting closed at 1205






Apologies – Derek Budde

Attendees – Jane Cunnings (JC), Kate Johns (KJ), Roger Johns (RJ), Mark Ireland (MI), Andrew Dixon (AD), Steve Rayner (SR), Susan Gorman (SG), Carol Rushton (CR), David Sanders (DS), Chris Heath (CH), Sue Newton (SN), Kathy Dixon (KD) 


CR welcomed SN to the committee as the newest member of the Captaincy Team.

These were agreed as a correct record. 


As PT was no longer a member and had been liaising with Denise about a training session it was agreed that KJ would contact Denise and that DS and KJ would run sessions. 

4.       TREASURSER’S REPORT (David Sanders)

We have another 2 new members – Horace (Andrew) Rocky and Keith Green.  We currently have 59 paid up members and the Friends Of The Drive Bowling Club have donated over £200.

We currently have 43K in our deposit account (allocated for potential development) from the sale of the gardens to the owners of the houses on a 999 year lease with a peppercorn rent but with restrictions on what they can do with the land.  The owner of 2 and 2a has asked to used to slope in order to get a digger into his gardens, it was agreed.  The ownership of the gardens of 2 and 2a is being looked into.

We have 24K in our current account, but not expecting any other income over the season. 

5.       CLUB SUMMER CAPTAIN’S REPORT (Carol Rushton)

The changeover of the Captaincy will be 1st April, this year that coincides with the Hot Cross Bun Drive (2 for 2:30 start).

After discussion it was agreed that the Charity Day would be 15th June, the cost would be £10 to include raffle ticket and refreshments.  This year’s charity will be The Wellbeing of Women 

6.       CLUB WINTER CAPTAINS’ REPORT (David Sanders)

All has been going well, the Saturday League has had lots of cancellations due to rain, only played 10 out of possible 18.  IT definitely promotes the club, Portslade and Popes Mead enjoy it.  The Saltdean match was cancelled but then reinstated, as they wanted to come and the weather improved. 

7.       UPDATE ON FIXTURES (Jane Cummings)

There was discussion about fixture clashes – Ladies League, Friendly match, Men’s League ALL on the same day.  The Hove League day/time varies, the Nicholas Soames is always on Mondays at 6pm.  It was agreed that JC looks at the fixtures and that next year she attempts to get more weekend matches, and no Friendly matches on Tuesday when the leagues are playing.

A reminder that County Competitions take precedence – KJ stated that Ladies Top Club are at home on 14th May and at home on 4th July to Double Rink. 



David Dixon has Olliver and Merion helping with the garden, but complaints from the houses regarding the hedges being cut back quite so much has been received. 

The balcony doors need attention as there are leaks.

WE postponed the discussion re: moving electric fence. 

9.       COUNTY MATTERS (Kate Johns and Roger Johns)

KJ reported: that 3xPairs, 3xTriples, 2xFours, 2xSenior Fours, 2xMixed Fours have entered the County competitions

RJ reported: that John Gaughan had not entered the Champion of Champions as he was expected to do (we must make this expectation clearer in this year’s competitions).  RJ has entered 1xPairs, 1xTriples, 1xSenior Fours, 1xMixed Pairs, 1xDouble Fours in the County and 1xSenior Singles, 1xFamily, 1xPairs in the Nationals.  Those wishing to play in the VP matches are Chris Heath, Chris Holm, Roger Johns and Derek Budde. 

10.    LEAGUE MATTERS (David Sanders/Hove, Carol Rushton/BH+D Ladie’s, Derek Budde/BH+D Men’s, Steve Rayner/Nicholas Soames)

All known matches have been added to the fixture list.  Nothing else to report from anyone. 

11.     UPDATE ON SOCIAL EVENTS (Kathy Dixon)

All in hand, KD has used the fixture list to put in social events.

It was agreed that the Roy Holm Cup on 8th June would not be a BBQ, but a fish and chip event.

Sunday 13th October will be a Bingo Quiz with nibbles and buy a drink.

November 24th will be a cheese and biscuit event. 

SG has registered the club for the Take Part Event (22nd June for 16 days) and the Ageing Well Event (29th September for 14 days), 

12.    AOB

CH reported that the on the Website the rules will be updated (SG and DB), unused pages will be deleted, minutes from the committee meeting will be posted on the website once agreed.

The password login will change to: Name: thedrive                Password: mixedclub2017

        For those to alter/add to the site the password has also changed (contact CH).

The fixture list will be printed ASAP, once everyone has checked the current draft.       

KD reported that the new cleaning rota will cover the whole year, with the Saturday League teams just needing to clear the tables.  Cleaning and Tea Rotas will be available soon. 

DS reported Aussie Pairs will happen on a Friday evening, watch this space for start date! 

SR reported that he had been tasked with finding new stickers and it was agreed that we have new ones from the start of the summer season, they will be red and blue with yellow writing. 

SG reported that there are clashes with the committee meetings and matches throughout the year, it was agreed that whilst we will endeavour to always meet on the first Thursday of the month (albeit at earlier time, sometimes) each meeting will confirm the date and time of the following meeting. 


The meeting closed at 12;28 and the next meeting will be held on Thursday April 4th at 10:30 at the clubhouse.

The A.G.M. minutes below are in draft form only and have yet to be ratified at the next A.G.M. (21st January 2025 at 11 am)


HELD ON TUESDAY 16th JANUARY 2024 at 11.00


1.        Apologies for Absence were received from: Clare Popley, Arthur Wing, Chris Holm, Paul Thurston, Janice Thurston, Cliff Wing, Betty Freeman, Kate Sayers, Tony Sayers, Lesley Heanen, KevinHeanen, Rob Rushton, Jan Heath, Marie Morgan

There were 35 members in attendance.

Derek Budde welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending


2.  A minutes silence for Mike Blume


3.  The minutes of meeting held on 17/1/2023 (attached) were agreed as a true record.


4.  President’s Report 2023 – Derek Budde

After the past couple of years with Covid restrictions, it appears that we are gradually getting back to normal.

We have to give thanks to all the committee members for not only carrying out the individual tasks, but taking the time and effort to attend regular meetings.  Thanks to Susan Gorman Club Secretary also to David Sanders Club Treasurer and to David Gorman for looking after the green for their continued hard work.  We also have to thank all those that take charge of running all of the various leagues that the club take part in throughout the season.

This year we have had a summer and a winter captain which appears to have worked out quite well, and is going to be carried on for another season as the club is used for the whole 12 months now.

The Sunday morning sessions run by the club coaches and helpers has been a great success in attracting new members to the club.  Therefore a very big thank you for them giving up their time and effort.

After 16 years of use we had a new green laid in September financed by the regular savings of our club treasurer (will this one last as long).

Congratulations to the Ladies and the Gentleman who achieved success in county competitions – the ladies were finalists in the Gladys Rowland Cup (earning £100 for the club) and were finalists in the Double Rink Competition.  The men were semi finalists in the Senior Fours Competition.

Summer Captain’s Comments 2023 – Paul Thurston

It was a pleasure to serve as Summer Captain this past season and of course, another first for The Drive Bowling Club with the new format of having Summer and Winter Captains. I think this really emphasizes how the club is now truly active twelve months of the year.

I would like to say a big thank you to all those club members who supported our busy fixtures schedule, many of you stepping in at short notice. Another big thank you goes to Vice-Captain Carol and Junior Vice-Captain Steve who's help and support were invaluable.

We lost some fixtures to the weather and a few cancellations but overall an excellent season of bowling and whilst there were many great match memories, I would like to mention the match with Northampton Touring Team as my stand out memory of the season.

A question was asked about the number of matches won/lost/drawn, which was not answered but could be found by adding up the figures on the results page of the website..

Winter Captain’s Comments 2023-2024 – David Sanders

Winter is becoming a busy time of the year for us now. We have home and away friendlies with Portslade both early and late in the winter.  Home and away with Popes Mead, and 7 home matches with other clubs.  Saltdean will be coming to us in March, this is a new winter fixture.

These friendly matches have come about mainly due to the welcoming and friendly club that we have become.  No longer the private club for members only.

We also have 5 indoor friendlies.

Thank you to all those that have supported me this last year. 

It was noted that the winter season is becoming very busy.

5.  Update from the committee – Susan Gorman

The committee continues to meet monthly, all year round now.  We discuss social events, County bowling, all the leagues and other matches that the club enters.  We try to ensure that there is something for everyone.  The committee consists of every officer of the club but only half need to attend every meeting, whilst others attend if they need to.

This year has seen a big recruitment drive, led by David Sanders and Steve Rayner.  We have taken part in Silver Sunday, the Ageing Well Festival and Take Part.  We managed to get some grants from these organisations, a total of £250.

The laying of the carpet was managed by Derek Budde and David Sanders.

Steve Rayner continues to make sure that all new members have the corr ect kit.  You are all reminded that for ALL matches the regulation club kit should be worn (as registered with Sussex Bowls), no cargo shorts or other trousers need to be worn. 

Thanks should be given to the members of the committee for all their efforts to ensure the smooth running of the club.

A question was raised regarding the distribution of committee minutes using email or the webpage, and this will be discussed at the next committee meeting.


6.  Treasurer’s Report 2023 – David Sanders

At last, after years of hard saving we have our new green.  A £50,000 investment which you should be very proud of.

The figures are very similar to last year, with our profit own by just over £2000.  The Saturday League is down due to the weather and the Aussie Pairs are down, probably due to lack of interest.

Social and bar takings were up thanks to Kathy and her team, and Marie for her hard work keeping the bar well stocked.  We had another well supported finals weekend, which helped our income.  We had plenty of support from families and friends.

Membership:  Unlike most other clubs who are seeing their numbers going down we have managed to recruit several new members.  This is good news, as over the last six years, our membership has been slowly declining.

The committee propose that next year’s subscription goes up by £25 to £175 which will be inclusive of ALL match fees.  The only exceptions will be Saturday League, Aussie Pairs, club competitions and fundraising events.  Green fees for non-members will increase to £4.

Thanks to Mark Ireland for auditing the books.


Please use our sponsors if you can, they are very generous to our club:

Place Farm House Care Home, Bungard Funeral Directors, Pete and Bernie Decorators, Baked Café, A1 Car Search.


7.  Confirmation of the membership fee for February 2024/2025

The meeting unanimously agreed to the increased subscription fee of £175, which are due at the end of February 2023.  New members continue to pay an extra £20 for the subsidised kit.


It was agreed to take Proposition 1, as it related to money.

The committee wish to remove the Associate Membership category and replace it with a Friends of The Drive Bowling Club category.  Those who join in this new category will:

·         Have no bowling rights

·         Pay a non-members green fee if they wish to play in a match

·         Be able to take part in the club draw

·         Pay a donation to the club to join

·         Be friends/partners of an existing/former full member.

To enable this to happen we need to amend Club Rules by removing Rule 18 and point 3 of Rule 12.

After discussion it was agreed unanimously.


8.  Nomination for Officer Post below and to vote where necessary to agree final list. 

·         PRESIDENT Derek Budde

·         CLUB SECRETARY Susan Gorman

·         TREASURER David Sanders

·         MATCH SECRETARY Jane Cummings

·         CAPTAINS

SUMMER Carol Rushton 

WINTER David Sanders

·         VICE CAPTAIN/S vacant at present

·         JUNIOR VICE CAPTAIN/S Steve Rayner

·         COMPETITION SECRETARY Mark Ireland

·         MAINTENANC E MANAGER/S Derek Budde, David Dixon, David Gorman, Meirion Rice

·         GREEN KEEPER/S David Gorman, Andrew Dixon, Bryan Sanders

·         TEA/CLEANING ROTAS Kathy Dixon

·         BAR MANAGER/S Marie Morgan

·         SOCIAL MANAGER Kathy Dixon

·         WEBMASTER Chris Heath

·         COUNTY DELEGATES – MEN Roger Johns WOMEN Kate Johns

·         BRIGHTON AND HOVE DISTRICT LEAGUES - MEN            Derek Budde WOMEN Carol Rushton

·         NICHOLAS SOAMES LEAGUE Steve Rayner

·         HOVE LEAGUE David Sanders


·         SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Nigel Spring-Benyon OR Susan Gorman



There was a lot of discussion about Paul Thurston becoming Vice Captain, although it was noted that he did this in order to fill the position and this was much appreciated.  After much discussion it was agreed to leave the position vacant until a candidate can be found. 

The club is currently looking at a Captaincy Team approach, with the Captain leading a team of three (this may lead to no longer having a Vice Captain or Junior Vice Captain as named positions).


9.  Club Coaches were confirmed as Kate Johns and David Sanders


10.  There were two propositions sent to the secretary, one had already been discussed the other proposition was proposed by Paul Thurston and seconded by Carol Rushton (who introduced the proposition).  The proposition was:

2023 has seen a significant number of new members joining our club and the efforts of those involved in recruitment is fully acknowledged.

However, whilst new members and an increase in numbers may benefit the club in some ways, I believe existing members need also to be aware that too many members may have a detrimental effect on the quality of their membership.

Our clubhouse can accommodate a maximum of around forty-five people for social functions (members and guests), home matches have less than twenty places available for a member to put their name down for and often far less. Without control of member numbers I believe there is a real risk of a time when members are not able to attend a club social function because it is oversubscribed or find themselves often listed as a reserve for matches they wish to play whilst the Captain struggles with far more names than places for matches.

At the time of submitting this proposal, seventy-three people are registered as full bowling members which I believe is significantly more than in recent past years. I am proposing the introduction of a new club rule limiting the maximum membership of the club to SEVENTY-FIVE full bowling members with some discretionary flexibility, plus the introduction of a waiting list for those wishing to join the club once the maximum number is reached.

After much discussion, including talk of an ageing membership, the proposition was defeated 34 against and 1 for.  However, it was agreed that the committee would keep an eye on the numbers to ensure that members have access to matches and social events.


11.  A reminder to check the website for information, Match Duties (when playing

      on Rink One at home) also includes locking up and clearing away and the Tea Rota.


12.  AOB

Derek Budde mentioned parking and some said that the vouchers were being phased out.  Apparently, Chris Holm has written to the Council on the Club’s behalf so we await news from him.

David Sanders, and others, said that we need more people to get involved with the general running of the club.


The meeting closed at 12:40

The next A.G.M. will be 21st January 2025 at 11 am.


The next committee meeting will be 7th March 2023 (please can Chris Heath attend as the sharing of the committee minutes will be discussed).