A message from our secretary Susan
The season is nearly over, and what a season it has been! some amazing games and great results. It is now time to start looking towards how we can continue to provide you with an improving club environment, and for this we need your help.
FIRST: please come along on Wednesday 28th September from 12pm for a blitz on the greenery surrounding the rinks. We need to cut back and trim many of the shrubs, so no gardening skills are needed. We will provide some equipment, but would be grateful if you could bring any secateurs that you possess. Please email Kathy and let her know that you will be attending so that we can arrange pizzas and refreshments for the end of the session.
SECOND: Derek has drawn up a list of minor DIY jobs that need some TLC as follows:
· Pushers require rubbing down and painting where worn
· Edges of steps to main door and fire door require painting with white paint
· Walls and pillars by fire exit and main door need painting
· Some repainting in the men’s toilet area
· Guttering joints need sealing
· Path going towards the water meter needs clearing
· General cutting back of plants
· Sweeping of paths
· Edges of the green need brushing to get id of the dead moss etc
· Move black padding of green to bowling and jack ends to ensure complete coverage of those two ends
We will provide all equipment but would be grateful if you could let Derek know which job you could help with and arrange a day/time to carry out the work.
PLEASE help the committee to help keep the club amenities up to scratch for everyone's enjoyment. DON'T FORGET to contact Derek regarding the jobs and Kathy regarding the greenery blitz on 28th September.
Kind regards and look forward to seeing you helping around your club